» DEPARTMENT » Department of Community Health

Department of Community Health

The Department of Community Health was established to conduct teachings, research and to offer  professional services in the field of Community Health to all levels of  communities in both urban and rural settings. The teaching activities include  topics on recognising factors that influence the presence and causation of  diseases within the community, behaviour, organisation, community health  problems, control and preventive measures and activities, as well as other  disciplines involved in public health. The teaching approach used is based on  the three tiers of disease prevention, namely primary, secondary and tertiary  prevention. In carrying out department activities and programs, community  involvement is given due emphasis as it is recognised that elements within the  community including the physical, mental and social environment as well as the  cultural aspects interplay and have an effect on each other. Field of Community  Health is no longer viewed as being directed to viewed diseases only, but has  grown into a concept of community wellness. Thus, field of Community Health is  to be treated as a holistic and integrated discipline. Realising that an  individual’s health status is collectively affected by behaviour, attitude and  beliefs, the many issues in community health need to be explored via the  approach of research and community consultation. Therefore a community based  approach and relevant strategies are to be employed in achieving the  department’s aspirations, in line with the prevailing circumstances within the  community as well as being tailored to evolving technology and social values

Updated:: 19/11/2020 [farizanm]